27 May 2010

Awake the Lakes begins on Friday!

For anyone returning to Alex over Memorial Weekend, a bevy of fun and entertainment awaits you at the annual Awake the Lakes celebration!

According to the official Awake the Lakes website (http://www.awakethelakes.com/), festival goers can nosh on ribs made by local participants and restaurants in the Ribfest contest Friday night.  And, while there, can enjoy free music and a street dance.  One of the featured bands, Whiplash, is proud to boast Dave Parsch, father of Rochelle and Nichole Parsch (Class of 1998).  The evening concludes with fireworks downtown.

On Saturday, have breakfast with Big Ole, then take the family out for events all over town - sidewalk chalk contests downtown, volleyball tournaments at Bug-a-Boo Bay, sponsored bike rides along the Central Lakes Trail, live music at Fat Daddy's, and more!

Sunday brings more entertainment - live music at Carlos Creek Winery and more stock car races at the Viking Speedway dirt track.

Finally, wrap the weekend at the pancake breakfast at First Congregational Church and a parade down Broadway (south-to-north), honoring the fallen (you'll see Macaille's husband, Mike, on honor guard duty for the parade, too!).

It's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend in the Lakes Area!  I can't wait to get out on the water and catch up with so many people who'll be home for the weekend!  See you in A-town!

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